Dentist in Vaughan
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  • +91-9904449894, +91-9377633331

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 approach


Digitize your operations


PLC & SCADA Services

AVEVA Historian

AVEVA™ Historian (Formerly known as Historian)
High performance process historian capable of storing huge volumes of data generated in industrial facilities. Historian easily retrieves and securely delivers information to any device, enabling robust asset analysis.

AVEVA™ Historian Client (Formerly know as Historian Client)
Taps into AVEVA Historian to put real time and historical production details into the hands of operators, engineers and managers. Powerful data analytics, from simple statistical summaries to error correction and cycle time analysis.

AVEVA™ Historian Client Web (Formerly known as Historian Insight)
Browser client for quick data query and trending.
